Friday, 30 October 2015

A Care That Cures - Kegel Exercises For Women


Kegel exercises are designed to brace the pelvic floor muscles which support the bladder and bowel openings. This aids in preventing leakage of urine; coughing, sneezing, lifting, and other hectic movements. The noteworthy benefits of kegel exercises for women include enhanced sexual function, trained muscles to make childbirth easier, and improved ability to pass stool.

Kegel exercises for women are especially for those...

• With urinary and /or bowel incontinence

• having confirmed waning of pelvic floor

• Are pregnant or who have previously had children

• Middle aged and older

Instructions on Kegel exercises for women

The urethra - The Functional Stop Test

After partially emptying your bladder, stop the urine flow in a slow proscribed 
manner, paying attention to how it feels. The Functional Stop Test is useful for assessing what it feels like to gradually stop urine flow. However, it should not be done more than once per urination.

The vagina is the window to the pelvic floor

For this step, you will internally assess the ability to squeeze and elevate the muscles around the opening of the vagina, while lying on your back. This is accomplished by inserting one finger into the vaginal opening while you try to lift and squeeze with the muscles. Pay attention to how this feels.

Putting it all together

Begin practicing while lying on your back with your knees bent, or lying back with pillows under the head & shoulders. When your knees are bent there should be a pillow under them so that the muscles around the hips and buttocks can relax.

The kegel exercises for women should be made a part of their routine life. After you have become experienced in performing these exercises, you need to do them as follows:

• A series of strong, steady squeezes for 8-10 seconds each

• Try to do 8-10 at a time

• For most people, 30 repetitions per day are adequate.

Other Techniques to help in Kegel exercises for women

If you find it difficult to identify the correct muscles to exercise, your healthcare professional may recommend the use of the following:


Biofeedback equipments help you identify and exercise your pelvic muscles.

Biofeedback uses a probe inserted into the vagina and a computer screen. This allows you to see the effects of your muscle contractions on the monitor.

Vaginal Cones:

Vaginal cones are actually vaginal weights in a set which can be inserted into vagina to help identify and brace the pelvic muscles.

Click here to read our article "6 Natural Ways to Tighten the Vagina" with additional tips and tricks on how to tighten your vagina or visit My Tiny Secrets for more advice.
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